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  • 陽光國際醫療美容集團

    經營品牌:微納斯微雕美容德國順勢療法基因檢測法國LRB銀玫瑰產品黛瑞詩DE PEALLA活細胞抗衰微雕美容干細胞瑞士羊胎素瑞士活細胞。
    節假日福利社保提供住宿公司產品福利崗前培訓 帶薪年假大小周休假制度,購買出差商業保險、員工形象打造、社會保險(五險一金)、不定期培訓、拓展、年度優秀國外旅游、帶薪年休假制度、男士陪護假、符合條件可調深圳戶口、管理層晉升培訓


    發布日期:2015-10-11 03:59:00


    Dr Niu take picture with South Africa's first lady , she at the camera say with smile: "you are the angel of beauty and youth, I hope I can become young and beautiful!"


    Dr Niu cordial talks with  First lady of Kenya, and took a group photo.


    In New York in September, starlight gorgeous.On the 28th of September 2015, the annual First Ladies Charity Luncheon at NewYork’s exquisite Pierre Hotel was held.It is understood that the activity of the First Ladies from 70 countries are expected to attend. In addition to the the First Ladies,there are business celebrities, charity campaigner, fashionable personage, from all walks of life to celebrate the aims at providing a global well-being of women and children in foreign fashion event.



    Among them, yue-sai kan cosmetics brand founder,L 'oreal (China) vice President of honor—— Yue Sai Kan, China's most famous senior designer——ms Guo Pei ,Sunshine international cosmetic group's chairman cui-xia niu to attend the luncheon more add luster.They not only with beautiful beautiful well-dressed explained the beauty of the Oriental fashion, more show the enthusiasm and support for the global public welfare undertakings.


    第一夫人慈善午宴由時尚助發展計劃(Fashion 4 Development (F4D) 媒體平臺)主辦,其使命是運用時裝和美妝護膚產業的力量,幫助世界弱勢群體發展經濟、改善生活條件。本屆盛會特邀貴賓包括聯合國秘書長夫人柳淳澤;UNAIDS親善大使維多利亞·貝克漢姆;艾美獎獲獎電視制作人靳羽西,Tommy Hilfiger, Tory Burch, Sylvia Weinstock等知名人士。

    F4D uses fashion to aid development.Devoted to using fashion culture expression as a method, it will help spreadand publicize the United Nation’s, ‘Millennium Development Goals’. Involvingthe fields of diplomacy, economics and media, and focusing on the eradicationof poverty and hunger, gender equality, empowerment of women, globalpartnership and more, this project is aimed at improving the well-being of theworld’s women and children. They use the power of the fashion, beauty care, andcosmetics industries to help vulnerable groups through development, and theimprovement of living conditions.



    午宴展示了針對發展中國家艾滋病防治、婦女勞工權益、母嬰健康等問題的諸多公益項目,表彰了包括維多利亞·貝克漢姆,Naomi Campell在內的多名時尚明星,感謝大家多年來為慈善事業做出的積極努力。而靳羽西女士則因為多年來對中美時尚文化產業做出的杰出貢獻而獲得了“女性成就獎”。

    The luncheon profoundly demonstrated manypublic projects for AIDS prevention, women’s labor rights, maternal andchildren’s health issues amongst others for those in developing countries.Efforts, positivity andcommendations came from Victoria Beckham,Naomi Campbellamongstother stars. Yue-Sai Kanalso won the ‘Woman’s Achievement Award’ for heroutstanding long-lasting contribution to Chinese and American fashionculture industries.


    Dr Enjoy spending a night with Yue-Sai Kan



    Although the profession is different, but spread beautiful dream is consistent, the hot pillow to change the world is the same, which makes Dr With ms kan two women.

    F4D on the eve of the opening at the Mid-Autumn festival, Dr were invited by Yue-Sai Kanas important guestsat her house,,and  with friends come from different places, have different color of skin but with the same charity , altogether celebrates the holiday.


    The Mid-Autumn festival, it is different.


    Go to the luncheon, with love and goodness





    In 2013, ms Guo Pei of blue and white porcelain amaze New York debut! Amaze the world! Sunshine international cosmetic group image spokesperson, the international model adopted zhang Yang, a senior ms Guo Pei design of blue and white porcelain dress - a blend of Oriental charm and western tailoring, senior dress, perfect deduce the unique charm of Chinese wind, subtle and beautiful whole world celebrity guests with all attention!


    This year,The first lady charity luncheon, ms Guo Pei again for New York's fashion adds a bright beautiful colour in China. Senior Chinese fashion custom designer Guo Pei shows in the activity is the metropolitan museum of art exhibition on the "China - deals" shine's latest work, delicate custom handmade and beautiful Oriental feelings the climax of the activity.


    Light lit up the world with great love
















    Cui-xia niu, a chinese-american, the university of Nebraska plastic surgery, m.d., sunshine international cosmetic group chairman of the board of directors, the sino-american cultural exchange association, Hawaii.

    she created a beautiful professional, create the beautiful enthusiasm, made the sense of beauty of the celebrity guests present to recognize a keen to change the world, keen to public welfare new image of Chinese women, memorable!


    Dr niu In the first lady charity luncheon


    New York F4D fashion media development Interviewed with Dr And photographs.Reporting at the event were many leadinginternational newspapers including, ABC, CBN,The New York Times, The WallStreet Journal, The Financial Times, The Guardian and New York’s Chinese Radio.

    ▲牛博士與紐約成功企業家Sylvia Weinstock合影留念。

    Dr niu Take pictures with the New York successful entrepreneurs Sylvia.

    ▲牛博士與紐約著名企業家Mr. Lee合影留念,兩位成功的businessman一見如故。

    Dr niu Take pictures with the New York successful entrepreneurs Mr. Lee.

    ▲牛博士與英國倫敦著名美容外科專家DR. Marguerite合影留念。

    Dr niu Take pictures with DR. Marguerite who is famous cosmetic surgery expert  in London.

    ▲牛博士與紐約著名教育家Empowerment David 先生合影留念。

    Dr niu Take pictures with Empowerment David who is the famous educator in New York.


    Dr niu with present numerous celebrity guests intimate conversation, spark collision make lunch more brilliant! And she for medical professionalism, enthusiasm for public welfare also let guests present on Chinese women sit up and take notice, heart respect!





    Spread beauty, achievement dream!!!!!

    Return society is the era of fashion luxury!

    Dr Cui-xia niu, Ms. Kan ms, ms Guo Pei shine in each in their respective industries, tirelessly holds a messenger of beauty and youth make as individuals can pay the greatest dedication!

    Let's hope they bring more beautiful positive energy!!!!


    Scan on sunshine international, you can be more beautiful!
